Internal Audit | Office of the Chief Operations Officer

Internal Audit

Internal Audit provides a service to the whole University including the Governing Authority and all levels of management by conducting an independent appraisal of all of the University's activities, financial and otherwise.

Internal Audit provides assurance to the Governing Authority and the President on the entire system of controls. It assists management by evaluating and reporting on the effectiveness of the controls for which management are responsible. However, it remains the duty of management and not Internal Audit, to operate adequate systems of internal control.

The Internal Auditor reports to the University's Audit Committee on professional matters and is attached to the office of the Chief Operating Officer for administrative purposes. Internal Audit is located in Room A149, on the first floor of the Albert College Extension.

Internal Audit Charter

A Charter for the Internal Audit function in DCU was approved by the Governing Authority at their meeting on 10th July 2003 and subsequently revised and approved by Governing Authority on 14th April 2011.


Caroline Derham
Internal Auditor
Room A147 E
Albert College Extension
Dublin City University
Dublin 9

Telephone: +353 1 700 7761