DCU Business School - Developments at DCUBS
DCU Business School
Workshop on Empirical Methods in Asset Pricing and Corporate Finance
Dr. Akthar SiddiqueUS Treasury Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Workshop venue and times
:Tuesday 14th April, from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm in Room
Thursday 16th of April, from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm in Room Q304
As part of DCU International Visitors Program, Dr. Akthar Siddique, from the US Treasury Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) in Washington DC, will be visiting DCU on April 14-17. During his visit, he will offer a workshop on the following topic:
“Empirical Methods in Asset Pricing and Corporate Finance”
The workshop will be held in Room Q303 and Room Q304, both on the 3
rd Floor of DCU Business School.The workshop is targeted primarily at an audience of academics and Ph.D. students in finance, quantitative finance and cognate disciplines, but practitioners and financial industry professionals, as well as advanced M.Sc. students in finance, may also find it beneficial.
Given the relative novelty of the topic, at the cross-road between two traditionally separate branches of financial studies, and the exceptional standing of the speaker (see short bio below), this promises to be a very interesting event.
Ahead of the workshop, additional material (slides) will be e-mailed to those who will have signaled their interest. To do so, please contact to the workshop coordinator, Dr.Valerio Potì in DCU Business School, at email:
valerio.poti@dcu.ie.Dr. Akthar Siddique Biography
Dr. Akhtar Siddique is the lead risk expert in the
Office of The Comptroller of The Currency (OCC), the bureau of the
U.S. Department of the Treasury that charters, regulates, and
supervises national banks. He represented the OCC in two Basel
Committee groups, the RTF group on the Interaction of Market and
Credit Risk and the CTF group on Risk Management and Modelling and
he is a member of the inter-agency group on the proposed joint
Pillar II Supervisory Guidance on Internal Assessment of the Capital
Adequacy Assessment Process.
Dr Siddique is a world-renowned expert in asset pricing, modeling
skewness in returns and risk management. His recent research focuses
on topics at the cross-road between asset pricing and corporate
finance. He has an extremely prolific and eclectic scientific
record, having published widely and in the World's best finance,
operation research and accounting journals including the Journal of
Finance, the Review of Financial Studies, the Journal of Financial
and Quantitative Analysis, the Journal of Banking and Finance, the
Journal of International Money and Finance, the Journal of
Accounting Research and Management Science.