DCU Business School - Developments at DCUBS
DCU Business School
Annual Commercialisation of University Research Student Project Awards DCU
The third Commercialisation of University Research Student Project Awards took place on November 10th at Dublin City University Business School (DCUBS) during the annual graduation ceremonies.
The Award is for the best commercialisation plan for a product/service concept generated by university science and technology researchers.
Students identify the best route to market for the products/ideas and undertake extensive research on competitors, markets and customers. The projects are undertaken as part of the Innovation and High Technology Entrepreneurship Module on the M.Sc. in Electronic Commerce programme.
The Award is sponsored by INVENT, DCU’s innovation and enterprise centre, and is coordinated by Dr. Teresa Hogan, lecturer in Entrepreneurship at DCUBS.
This year students worked in collaboration with counterparts from Arizona State University (ASU), USA. DCUBS was delighted to welcome Professor Eric Menkhus, Director of the Technology Ventures Clinic, ASU, to the awards presentation.
The variety and quality of commercialisation projects entered in the competition reflects the innovative and entrepreneurial orientation of programmes at DCUBS and the tremendous spirit of enterprise inculcated in the School’s students.
First Prize: Ammonia Breath Monitor
A safe and non-invasive breath monitor suitable for use by patients for home dialysis. In addition, the monitor has the potential to improve diagnosis and treatment of kidney and liver disease.
Keith Elliott, Hugh O’Brien
Pictured above (l to r): Keith Elliott, M.Sc. in Electronic Commerce (Business); Dr. Tony Killard, National Centre for Sensor Research; Professor Eric Menkhus, Director, Technology Ventures Clinic, ASU; Richard Stokes, Director, INVENT DCU; Dr. Teresa Hogan, Lecturer in Enterprise Development, DCUBS; and Hugh O’Brien, M.Sc. in Electronic Commerce (Business)
Second Prize: MIKEAL: Management Infrastructure for Knowledge-based Adaptive E-Learning content
MIKAEL uses the concepts of semantic web and ontologies, to create the next generation of content authoring tools for use with e-learning content.
Barry Naughton, Stephen Downey, Warren Lynam
Pictured above (l to r): Barry Naughton, Stephen Downey, M.Sc. in Electronic Commerce (Business); Professor Eric Menkhus, Director, Technology Ventures Clinic, ASU; Richard Stokes, Director, INVENT DCU; Dr. Teresa Hogan, Lecturer in Enterprise Development, DCUBS; and Warren Lynam, M.Sc. in Electronic Commerce (Business).