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DCU Business School - Developments at DCUBS

DCU Business School


Multiple Success for DCUBS at IAM Annual Conference

19th October 2009

DCU Business School enjoyed multiple success at this year's Irish Academy of Management (IAM) Conference, winning three best paper awards.

The Irish Academy of Management (IAM) is the leading professional association for management research and education on the Island of Ireland. The purpose of the Irish Academy of Management is to promote the advancement of research, knowledge, and education in the field of organisation and management studies.

Professor David Jacobson, won Best Paper in Tourism
Ali Ahmad and Sarah Ingle took Best Paper in Entrepreneurship
Anagrait, Ph.D. student under the guidance of Dr Edel Conway, won the best paper presented at the
doctoral colloquium. 

The 12th. Annual Conference of the Irish Academy of Management will once again be held at the Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology on September 2-4, 2009.
The theme of the 2009 conference is “Revitalising the Field: Innovation, Rigour and Relevance”.