DCU Business School - Developments at DCUBS
MBS in Accounting
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: From which CAP1 subjects must I be exempt? A: You must have exemptions from ALL CAP1 modules. These are: Finance Management Accounting Financial Accounting Taxation Law for Accountants
Q: How do I apply for CAP1 exemptions? A: Visit the website of Chartered Accountants Ireland at this link http://www.charteredaccountants.ie/Students/Student-Services/Courses/Exemptions/
Q: My college/degree is not listed on the Chartered Accountants Ireland website as gaining exemption from CAP1. What do I do? A: You can apply on an individual basis for exemptions. If your undergraduate degree is from a university outside Ireland, you may not qualify for exemptions in subjects like Taxation. You should apply for the DCU Professional Diploma in Accounting (DC500).
Q: I don’t qualify for all CAP1 exemptions. Can I still apply? A: If, for example, your undergraduate degree did not exempt you from all CAP1 subjects, you may be able to sit the outstanding CAP1 paper(s) as an external candidate by applying directly to Chartered Accountants Ireland. You must have obtained all exemptions before commencing the DCU MBS in Accounting programme.
Q: My undergraduate degree is not in Accounting, nor does it have an Accounting specialism. Is this programme suitable for me? A: No. This programme is designed to develop the knowledge of graduates who already have a significant specialism in Accounting. You should apply for the DCU Professional Diploma in Accounting (DC500), which is a one-year full-time postgraduate programme with a possible progression route to the MBS in Accounting.
Q: My undergraduate degree was undertaken outside Ireland and the United Kingdom. Can I still apply?
A: You are
unlikely to qualify for exemptions from all CAP1 subjects e.g.
Taxation and Law for Accountants. You should apply for the DCU
Professional Diploma in Accounting (DC500), which is a one-year
full-time postgraduate programme with a possible progression route
to the MBS in Accounting. |