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DCU Business School

DCUBS Doctoral Scholar wins Academy of Management Best Paper Award

4th May 2010

DCU Business School doctoral scholar, Na Fu, has won the Bentley College HEC School of Management Outstanding Graduate Student Paper Award for the 2010 Academy of Management Meeting in Montreal, Canada for her paper titled "Exploring the Performance Impact of HPWS in PSFs: A Practices-Resources-Uses Approach". The Academy of Management is a world wide association of some 15,000 academics.

Na Fu's doctoral research centres on strategic HRM and performance in professional service firms, under the supervision of Professor Patrick Flood and Dr Janine Bosak. Na and her supervisors are collaborating with University of Oxford and Chartered Accountants Ireland on a major study of value creation and value realisation in accounting firms. Na Fu is a graduate of Northeastern University (NEU)  in Shenyang, Peoples Republic of China where Professor Flood holds an honorary appointment. DCU Business School has close collaborative ties with NEU.