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DCU Business School

Aoife Caffrey

My two years of study at the ESB Reutlingen in Germany was the most fantastic experience. I had the opportunity to make many lifelong friends from all over the world. Everyone was very helpful and it really was so much fun.

My German improved unbelievably and I have become a lot more independent. I got to go on ski trips, visit lots of other German cities and even compete on the ESB cheerleading team in international competitions.
There are also so many big companies here, like BMW and L’Oreal, where you can do your internship.

I had the most amazing two years and am so glad I made the decision to go. I am looking forward to starting a Masters in International Fashion Marketing in Edinburgh shortly, which will hopefully lead me to find my dream job in the fashion industry.

Aoife Caffrey
European Business with German, Class of 2008

Study abroad at ESB Reutlingen, Germany