DCU Business School - Welcome to the website of Dublin City University Business School (DCUBS)
DCU Business School
A Balanced Education
At DCU we’re dedicated to ensuring that our students are rounded individuals who are confident in their ability to make a significant contribution both in the workplace and in society generally.
To help you get the balance right between work and play, DCU provides excellent sports and recreational facilities, plus over 90 clubs and societies that range from range from Aikido and Ultimate Frisbee, to Snowboarding and Home and Away. The Accounting and Finance Society and the European Business Society are among the largest on campus.
Active participation in clubs and societies is not just fun; the team work, leadership and other skills that you demonstrate through your involvement makes a strong addition to your CV and gives you that extra something special that will make you stand out above other graduates.
Recognising Your Contribution – The Uaneen Module
Such is DCU’s dedication to helping you to develop your full personal potential, we are the first third level institution in the Republic of Ireland to formally recognise and reward the achievement of holistic education by accrediting a module in extra-curricular activities – the Uaneen Module.
This unique scheme formally recognises the work done and your learning acquired through extra-curricular activities, for example with the Students’ Union, clubs, societies, community work and extra-curricular activity in general. Academic credits are awarded for this optional module.