Annual Report 2001 - National Distance Education Centre

annual report 2001

national distance education centre


Mac Keogh K
Bang J, Baumeister H-P and Mac Keogh K
"Evaluation of the Phare Multi-Country Distance Education Programme."
Turin: European Training Foundation (unpublished commissioned evaluation report), April 2001.

Mac Keogh K
"National Strategies for the Promotion of On-Line Learning in Higher Education."
European Journal of Education, 36(2), 2001, pp 225-236.

Mac Keogh, K. and Stevenson, K.
"Student expectations of tutor support: An expectations led quality assurance model."
in Proceedings 20th World Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education: The Future of Learning - Learning for the Future: Shaping the Transition CD-ROM ISBN-NR 3-934093-01-9 Hagen: FernUniversitat, 2001.

Mac Keogh K
"Access, Expertise, Attitudes and ICTs in the Humanities: An Irish Case Study."
in EADTU (ed) EADTU Millennium Conference: Wiring the Ivory Tower: Linking Universities Across Europe Paris Proceedings Heerlen: European Association of Distance Education Universities, 28-30 September 2000, pp 286-295.

Mac Keogh K
"The new technologies and breaking through transnational and transdisciplinary boundaries: A case study of a virtual seminar on globalisation."
in Chambers, Ellie et al (eds) Subject Knowledges and Professional Practice in the Arts and Humanities. Milton Keynes: Institute of Educational Technology 2001, pp 97-104.

Mac Keogh K
"Assessing students in online seminars in Baumeister."
Hans-Peter, Williams, John and Wilson, Kevin (eds) Teaching Across Frontiers: A Handbook for International Online Seminars Tuebingen: DIFF, 2000, pp 135-142

Mac Keogh K and Bancroft D
"Receptivity or resistance? Attitudes of distance learning tutors to using the information and communications technologies in open and distance learning."
Paper presented to ICDE CONFERENCE: Distance Education an Open Question? Adelaide, 11-13 September 2000.

Wickham A
Wickham A
"A Better Scheme for Nursing - The influence of the Dublin Hospital Sunday Fund on Nursing and Nurse Training in Ireland in the Nineteenth Century."
The International Journal of Nursing History, 6(2), 2001.