Everyone at DCU wants to make sure you have a safe, rewarding and fun experience while you are studying here. Find out who to ask for help when you have a question, need some advice or would just like a chat!
Academic and module questions
Contact the relevant lecturer or your Programme Chair.
Exchange or Erasmus students: incoming.exchange@dcu.ie
Study Abroad students: study.abroad@dcu.ie
Questions about registration, admissions, deferrals, transfers: registry@dcu.ie
Questions about exams, results, appeals: examinations@dcu.ie
If you need practical advice, please email student.support@dcu.ie or contact the dedicated International Student Support Officer. You can also book an appointment with them.
If you need a letter confirming your status in DCU, please contact Registry.
Questions about fees: fees@dcu.ie
Wellbeing and Mental Health
Professional, confidential, and free - that is our Counselling and Personal Development Service.
At DCU, we care very much about the wellbeing of our students, teachers, and staff members. In fact, it is so important to us that we have established Care & Connect, a whole-of-university approach for academic, personal, and financial wellbeing. The aim is to develop a campus environment where students are treated with dignity and respect, watch out for each other, and develop meaningful relationships.
This means you can attend events organised by out Student Wellness Ambassadors and our colleagues in Student Support & Development, and you can find lots of Care and Connect spaces around the DCU campuses (such as Quiet Zones, spaces to study or connect with others, spaces to relax between classes, etc.).
We would definitely recommend you also take a look at the DEVELOP courses (such as Community, Healthy Choices, Mental Health, Life Skills, or Spirituality).
DCU also has a tool for anonymously reporting incidents of harassment, bullying, discrimination, and sexual misconduct - Speak Out.