Business School
DCU Business School - DCU Business School Postgraduate Open Evenings
DCU Business School
Irish Academy of Management Conference and Doctoral Colloquium – New Ideas for a New Century
DCU Business School will host the 11th Annual Conference of the Irish Academy of Management on 3rd-5th September 2008. This year’s conference will examine new ideas in the field of management. Contributions will focus on research that is designed to test, extend or develop management theory while making a clear contribution to management practice.
Guest Speakers
- Professor Denise Rousseau (Carnegie Mellon University)
- Professor Stephen J. Carroll (University of Maryland)
- Professor Gerard Hodgkinson (Leeds University)
- Professor Jaap Paauwe (Tilburg University)
- Professor Harry Sapienza (University of Minnesota)
- Professor S.P. Raj (Syracuse University)
- Professor John B. Ford (Old Dominion University)
€395 (includes annual IAM membership, dinner, refreshments and proceedings)
€195 (full-time postgraduates)
On-line registration is now open at the below web address.
Further Details
Further details are available at: