DCU Business School - DCU Business School Postgraduate Open Evenings
DCU Business School
DCU Business School and University of Georgia Sign Exchange Agreement
21st July 2008
Dublin City University Business School (DCUBS) and the University of Georgia, Athens (UGA) have formally signed a postgraduate and faculty exchange agreement, which will offer a doctoral student at each institution the opportunity to study in the partner institution for a period of up to one year. During this period the doctoral candidates will enjoy full access to staff and facilities at their host institution. The programme will also facilitate faculty visits between DCU and UGA with a view to developing research and teaching collaborations.
A delegation from the Department of Psychology in the Institute of Government at UG travelled to DCU on 21st July 2008 to formally sign the exchange agreement. UGA’s doctoral programme in Organisational Psychology is ranked Number 8 in the USA. DCU Business School is one of Ireland’s leading research institutions in the Organisational Psychology/Behaviour field.
Pictured above are (left to right) Prof. David Jacobson, incoming Associate Dean for Research at DCUBS (representing the Dean of DCUBS); Prof. Mark Foster, Institute of Government, UGA; Dr Finian Buckley, Head of the Human Resource Management Group at DCUBS and DCUBS co-ordinator of the exchange programme; and Prof. Charles Lance, Industrial/Organisational Psychology Programme, UGA.