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DCU Business School


"How to Do Business in..." Series looks East for Opportunities

13th November 2009

DCU Business School presents the "How to Do Business in..." seminar series, which focuses on key trends, opportunities and tips on doing business in some of the world's major growth markets.

The "How to Do Business in..." series comprises four free half-day workshops focusing on China (which took place in early November), Russia (December), India (February) and the Arabian Gulf (March).

A limited number of places at each of three remaining workshops is available to businesses, alumni and other DCU students.
To register, email theo.lynn@dcu.ie

he series follows a key recommendation of the recent Global Irish Economic Forum, which encouraged Ireland Inc. to look East for opportunities.

The "How to Do Business in..." series is part of DCU Business School's Next Generation Management initiative. This ground-breaking initiative is designed
to prepare the next generation of business leaders, who are adaptive and flexible, innovative, and socially responsible and accountable. The initiative is structured around the major personal, organisational and contextual challenges in modern management and specifically in a post-growth economy.