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DCU Business School


New Scholarship Fund for Professional Doctoral Programme

DCU Business School is delighted to announce the introduction of a scholarship fund for successful applicants to the Professional Doctoral Programme (PDP).
This is an exciting opportunity for professionals currently working in senior management roles to develop their careers by contributing to the development of relevant management knowledge at the highest level. 
The programme combines scholarly theory-building with a strong applied focus. PDP scholars work towards the completion of a doctoral thesis, in a challenging and supportive academic environment, under the supervision of an academic expert in the relevant area and with the support of a suite of research skills modules. 
Details of the research areas in which we provide supervision.
Successful completion of the programme leads to the award of a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) or of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

The Scholarship Fund

This is the first time in Ireland that an institution has granted scholarships to scholars studying for doctoral degrees in a part-time capacity. As such, this new scholarship award is a strong indication of the commitment that the Business School has made, and continues to make, to part-time professional doctoral research.

Applications for the PDP scholarship are open to all applicants who meet the eligibility criteria for the programme.

The Professional Doctoral Programme is a structured programme. In the first two years, scholars take a range of modules designed to enhance their general research skills. Because of this taught component, the fees for the first two years are higher than the fees for the subsequent years of the programme in which the scholar sets their own work goals to progress their research, under the guidance of their supervisor. The scholarship is aimed at making these two years more manageable, financially, for scholars who demonstrate significant intellectual promise in their application.

Details of the Scholarship

First Year
For applicants to the programme, the scholarship consists of a reduction in the first year fee of up to 50%. The decision to award will be made on the basis of the research proposal and the performance of the applicant at interview. The interview board may make a decision to offer an applicant a scholarship which reduces their first year fee by an amount less than 50%. The extent of the scholarship will depend on the Board’s judgement of the applicant’s potential.

Second Year
For scholars who are coming to the end of their first year on the programme, a review board will make the decision as to whether a scholarship will be awarded to the scholar in June. The decision to award will be based on the scholar’s progress during the first year of the programme. As with the first year, the scholarship will consist of a reduction in the annual fee of up to 50%. The review board may make a decision to offer an applicant a scholarship which reduces their second year fee by an amount less than 50% depending on the board’s assessment of the scholar’s progress.

The closing date for receipt of applications is *********