DCU Business School - Developments at DCUBS
DCU Business School
DCUBS students win commercialisation of university research student award
14th December 2009
Four students of DCU's MSc in Electronic Commerce programme have won the fourth annual Commercialisation of University Research Student Award at DCU.
The Award is for the best commercialisation plan based on a new technological product or service created by university researchers. Students identify the best route to market for the technologies and undertake extensive research on competitors, markets and customers. The Award is sponsored by INVENT DCU and coordinated by Dr. Teresa Hogan, lecturer in Entrepreneurship at DCUBS. |
The first prize went to students Patrick Colreavy, Emmet Connolly, Naresh Kumar and Ma Hao (Masters in E-Commerce programme) for their Mastitis Detection Biochip commercialisation plan. The biochip was developed by Professor Richard O’Kennedy of the BioDiagnostics Research Institute (BDI) at DCU and is a fast, reliable and portable kit for testing mastitis in cattle.
The awards ceremony coincided with autumn graduations at DCU in November.
For further information contact Teresa Hogan, Lecturer in Entrepreneurship DCUBS- teresa.hogan@dcu.ie. |