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DCU Business School

Eoin Healy named winner of Best European Pricing Master's thesis.

08 December 2010


Eoin Healy, a graduate of the MBS in Marketing in DCU Business School has just been named winner of Best European Pricing Master's thesis by the European Pricing Platform.

The prize, with a total value of over €2500, was awarded for his dissertation entitled "Barriers to Value Based Strategies within Irish Small to Medium Sized Enterprises: A Quantitative Survey Analysis". His research highlighted the importance of value-based pricing for the Irish SME sector and identified barriers that deter so many SME's from incorporating such pricing in their strategic decision-making. The jury commended him particularly for the clarity of his thinking and presentation, his rigorous methodology, and a studied and valuable set of recommendations.

Students learn to anticipate and respond to consumer needs, and their cross-disciplinary skills set will enable them to work on cross-functional teams that research, design and market new products and services. These are exactly the kind of graduates that will help drive Ireland's knowledge economy and contribute to its emergence from recession.

Eoin is currently working as Marketing Co-Ordinator for 3M.

Founded in 2004, the European Pricing Platform is a knowledge sharing platform for European pricing decision makers, revenue managers and academics, dedicated to developing and sharing pricing knowledge, best practice, and resources via on- and off-line media.

For further details please consult: http://www.pricingplatform.eu/site/public/thesis_award.asp