DCU Business School News
DCU Business School
'Leadership in Ireland: Insights from Contemporary Irish Leaders'
Are Leaders Made, Not Born?
22nd September 2010
Join us on Wednesday, 22nd September for the launch of 'Leadership in Ireland: Insights from
Contemporary Irish Leaders', a new book
edited by Dr Aoife McDermott and Professor Patrick Flood, both of
DCU Business School. The book will be officially launched by Dr
Martin McAleese. Royalties will be donated to Focus Ireland. The
launch event will be held on the 3rd Floor of DCU Business School,
Dublin 9 starting at 5.20pm.
'Leadership in Ireland' contains interviews with eleven leaders from
the public, private and voluntary sectors. Focusing on their
leadership development and practice, the interviews emphasise the
core dimensions of leadership and the contextual factors which shape
how these are achieved. In showing the reality of leadership – the
hard work behind the scenes; failed attempts at change; and the nitty gritty of decision-making –
'Leadership in Ireland' overwrites
the myth that leaders are born, not made.
'Leadership in Ireland' provides advice to aspiring and developing
leaders and insight into the management of organisations in the
Irish economy, with interviews with, among others, Ben Dunne (Ben
Dunne Fitness Group), Sr Stan (Focus Ireland), Danuta Gray (O2
Ireland), Nickey Brennan (former president of the GAA) and Dr Brian
Maurer (former president of the Irish heart Foundation). Each has a
unique story to tell encompassing their vision and driving force;
their values and beliefs;
and their methods for implementing organisational and social change.
As Ireland moves to re-establish its economic position, re-evaluate its public policy and regenerate its civil society, never before has a cross-sector view on leadership been more valuable.