Business School

DCU Business School News

DCU Business School

Success for DCU Business School at Irish Academy of Management Conference


The status of DCU Business School (DCUBS) as a leader in business research was enhanced this week, as DCUBS researchers enjoyed multiple successes at the 13th Annual Conference of the Irish Academy of Management.

Dr Edel Conway and colleagues won best overall paper for their work entitled "Identifying HR Practices to Support Knowledge Exchange and Combination: An Employee Perspective from Knowledge Intensive Firms in Ireland and the UK."

DCU Business School was represented in seven of the thirteen tracks, winning best paper in Human Resource Management, Organisation Behaviour, Marketing, and Tourism.

DCU Business School researchers engage in scholarly work with relevance to professional practice in both commercial and non-commercial settings. View further details of research at DCUBS. The School has a vibrant research community providing research support to postgraduate students that is unrivalled in Ireland. Join the DCU Business School research community.

Winning Papers

Best HRM Paper and Overall Best Paper
"Identifying HR Practices to Support Knowledge Exchange and Combination: An Employee Perspective from Knowledge Intensive Firms in Ireland and the UK" -  Dr Edel Conway, Prof Katie Truss, Prof Kathy Monks, Dr Alessia D'Amato, Gráinne Kelly, Prof Patrick Flood, and Enda Hannon

Best Organisation Behaviour Paper
Investigating the Psychological Contract and its Relationship with Organisational Commitment in the Voluntary Sector: A Factor Analysis and Fuzzy Clustering based Approach" - Prof Malcolm Beynon, Margaret Heffernan, Dr Aoife McDermott, and Niamh O'Reilly

Best Tourism Paper
"Financial Management Skills in Owner Managed SME Tourism Business" - Dr Ruth Mattimoe

Best Marketing Paper
"Hypervideo-Based Product Placement: Extending The Research Agenda" - Dr Theodore Lynn and Dr Laurent Muzellec

DCU Business School was represented also in the Strategic Management Track, the Accounting & Finance Track, and the Healthcare Track. Several DCUBS PhD and Professional Doctoral Programme scholars presented at the doctoral colloquium and the main conference.