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Business School

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DCU Business School

DCUBS Learning Environment

High Tech, Supportive Learning Environment

DCU is Ireland’s youngest university, and this is reflected in our contemporary campus.

DCU Business School is housed in a bright, modern building which boasts excellent facilities to enhance your learning.

Computing Facilities

In today’s high-tech business world, we focus on integrating technology into all aspects of your learning.

DCU’s wireless network allows Internet access wherever you are on campus, be it in a lecture hall, the canteen, or in our award-winning library.

The Business School building is wireless enabled and classrooms are fitted with state of the art audio-visual equipment.

In addition, there are three PC labs in the Business School, a laptop lab and a dedicated postgraduate PC lab. There are also many computer labs across the campus.

“Moodle” Virtual Learning Environment

Moodle, DCU’s Virtual Learning Environment, complements face-to-face teaching and provides flexible access to courses, both on- and off-campus.

Lecturers can use Moodle to direct you to resources such as lecture notes, videoclips, podcasts, online journals, practice quizzes and discussion forums. Moodle simply makes learning more accessible, interactive and enjoyable.

Supporting You in Your Studies

We – DCUBS staff and students alike – pride ourselves on our informality and friendliness.  Our strong tutor and mentorship systems complement the excellent student support services provided by the DCU Student Affairs department.

BEST Induction Programme

Even before your formal start at DCUBS, the BEST induction process for first year business students will help to accelerate your transition to third level. Instead of normal classes in the first week of semester, the BEST programme includes workshops, exercises and presentations.

Students take part in a business game – a computer-based simulation where they make decisions about running a ‘virtual’ company. This is a way of breaking the ice and making friends as well as getting motors running for the year ahead.