Business School

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DCU Business School

Research Events

Tuesday 15th April 11:00 Q219 Globalising human resource management: key HR changes Prof. Paul Sparrow LInK Seminar Series
Monday 7th April 08 16:00 Q304 To be Confirmed Prof. Michael Moore (Queens University Belfast) Quantitative Finance Research Seminar
Tuesday 1st April 08 11:00 Q219 Implementing Knowledge Management: The case of the HRB Dr. Theo Lynn, DCUBS LInK Seminar Series
Tuesday 25th March 08 11:00 Q219 To be Confirmed Prof. Jan Shubert, Babson College LInK Seminar Series
Tuesday 11th March 08 11:00 Q219 Employee Reactions to high performance work systems and diversity management Thaddeus Mkamwa, DCUBS LInK Seminar Series
Wednesday 5th March 08 16:00 Q304 The Market Timing Ability of UK Equity Mutual Funds Dr. Niall O’Sullivan (UCC) Quantitative Finance Research Seminar
Tuesday 26th February 08 11:00 Q219 Entrepreneurship in Ireland: Results from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Project and how it has/hasn’t informed policy Prof. Colm O’Gorman, DCUBS LInK Seminar Series
Tuesday 19th February 08 11:00 Q219 HRM, Patient Satisfaction and mortality in UK hospitals: A longitudinal Study Jeremy Dawson, Aston Business School LInK Seminar Series
Wednesday 13th February 08 16:30 Q304 Extreme Value Theory: An Empirical Analysis of Quantile Estimation in Tail Distributions Thomas Brophy, Irish Financial Services Regulatory Authority Quantitative Finance Research Seminar (Liam Jones Memorial Lecture sponsored by Goodbody Stockbrokers)
Tuesday 12th February 08 11:00 Q219 Social Exclusion and the Knowledge Society: The Case of the ‘Celtic Tiger’ Chris Whelan, Research Professor, ESRI LInK Seminar Series
Monday 4th February 08 Niall O’Grady (Marketer of the Year 2007), Permanent TSB 11th Annual Spring Marketing Lecture Series
Tuesday 4th December 07 11:00 Q219 Top Mangers and Technology: The Case of PPARS Dr. John Loonam, DCUBS LInK Seminar Series
Tuesday 27th November 07 11:00 Q219 Social Capital and Knowledge Transfer: An Integrated Micro-level Analysis Angelos Alexopoulos, DCUBS LInK Seminar Series
Tuesday 20th November 07 11:00 Q219 eLearning and Living Educational Theories in Practice Yvonne Emmett and Donal O’Mahony, School of Education Studies LInK Seminar Series
Monday 12th November 07 16:00 Q219 What Drives Short Selling Prof. Olan Henry, University of Melbourne Quantitative Finance Research Seminar
Wednesday 31st October 07 16:00 Q122 The Variance Gamma Scaled Self-Decomposable Process in Actuarial Modelling Dr. Conall O’Sullivan, UCD Quantitative Finance Research Seminar
Tuesday 23rd October 07 11:00 Q219 The Role of Front Line Mangers in Managing Diversity: The Issue of Language Diversity Tara Farrell-Henderson, DCUBS LInK Seminar Series
Wednesday 17th October 07 Leather Room Finding an Irish Voice: Reflections upon Celtic Consumer Society and Social Change Linda Scott, Oxford Said Business School Harry Bradshaw, CiD Research Group Centre for Consumption Studies Workshop
Wednesday 17th October 07 10:00 Seminar Room, Invent Entrepreneurship 1 day seminar to host a visiting delegation from Finlan (FINPIN) Mr Richard Stokes, Dr Sarah Ingle, Prof Colm O’Gorman, Ms Emer Ni Bhradaigh, Dr Teresa Hogan, Ms Janet Knox, Prof Ferdinand von Prondzynski
Tuesday 16th October 07 11:00 Q219 The Economic Value of High Performance Work Systems Prof. Patrick Flood, DCUBS LInK Seminar Series
Thursday 4th October 07 9:00 XB06 SWIF Seminar for Teaching Staff Dr. Anne Sinnott, DCUBS Prof. Paul M. Swiercz, George Washington University Dr. Theo Lynn, DCUBS Dr. Malcolm Brady, DCUBS APPLET Teaching Staff Seminar
Monday 2nd July 07 16:00 HG11 Interaction Between Credit and Market Risk: An Exploratory Asset Pricing Perspective Akhtarur Siddique (Office of the Controller of the Currency, Washington DC) Quantitative Finance Research Seminar Series
Thursday 21st June 07 14:00 Leather Room Identity, Marketing and Society: A Transformative Research Agenda for the 21st Century Dr. Cifford Schultz, Arizona State University Consuming Identity Research Group (CCS)
Monday 18th June 07 14:00 XG19 Ethical Issues in Research Sponsorship Dr. Helen Wallace, Genewatch DCU Research Ethics Committee Workshop
Wednesday 25th April 07 15:45 The Mezz Session 4: Learning Technologies in Practice: The MSc in Education and Training Management (E-Learning) Experience Robocabs: Learning through Doing The FIRST Challenge Dr. Margaret Farren (DCU School of Edu. Studies) Dr. Sean Marlow (DCU School of Elec. Eng.) Mr. Paul Davis (DCUBS) Applied Learning Technologies Research Group Seminars (APPLET)
Wednesday 25th April 07 14:00 The Mezz Session 3: Taking Interactive Learning to a New Level – New Developments in Interactive Whiteboards An Introduction to Mobile Learning Teaching with Digital Learning Assets Joe Scrivens (Smart Technologies) Adrian Hall (Steljes) Graham Turnbull (SCRAN) Applied Learning Technology Research Group Seminars (APPLET)
Wednesday 25th April 07 11:30 The Mezz Session 2: Building Schools for the Future – the Microsoft Innovative Schools Programme Intel World Ahead The Global E-Schools and Communities Initiative The Technology Options Project Steven Duggan (Microsoft) Peter Hamilton (Intel) Terry Culver (GeSCI) Mr. Paul Davis (DCUBS) Applied Learning Technology Research Group Seminars (APPLET)
Wednesday 25th April 07 9:30 The Mezz Session 1: Introduction to APPLET The Global Grid for Learning Teaching with Interactive Whiteboards Dr. Theo Lynn (DCUBS) Michelle Conway (Cambridge Learning) Applied Learning Technology Research Group Seminars (APPLET)
Tuesday 24th April 07 Innovation Peter Robbins (Insight and Ideation, Smoking Control Group, GlaxoSmithKline) Management and IS Group lunchtime seminar series
Thursday 19th April 07 16:00 Q218 Concerning the Asian prospective Basket Peg Exchange Rate Regime Dr. Cal Muckley (UCD) Quantitative Finance Research Seminar
Wednesday 18th April 07 11:00 QG01 Outsourcing and Social Capital Des McLaughlin Enterprise Process Research Centre Seminar Series
Tuesday 17th April 07 13:00 Q119 Private Health Care in Ireland Paraic Bergin (CEO – Galway-Mayo Clinic) Management and IS Group lunchtime seminar series
Monday 16th April 07 Perspectives on the Marketing of FMCG’s to an Evolving Consumer Population Loretta Dignam, Head of Marketing – Convenience Division, Kerry Foods 10th Annual Spring Marketing Lecture Series
Thursday 12th April 07 16:00 Q217 Valuing the Available Funds Cap in AAA Tranche of a US Home Equity Shane Murphy (Irish Life Investment) Liam Jones Memorial Lecture Sponsored by Goodbody Stockbrokers Quantitative Finance Research Seminar
Tuesday 10th April 07 11:00 Room Q158 Dual-Earner Couples and the Transmission of Work-Related Attitudes Deirdre O’Shea (DCUBS) LInK Seminar Series
Monday 2nd April 07 18:30 Room Q220 Promoting Fairtrade Mark’s Socially Responsible Business Model: Challenges and Successes Peter Gaynor, Executive Director, Fairtrade Mark Ireland 10th Annual Spring Marketing Lecture Series
Friday 30th March 07 IAFA Research Methods Workshop Dr. Michael Humphreys (Nottingham University Business School) Irish Accounting and Finance Association (IAFA)
Friday 30th March 07 13:00 Q205 The Behavioural Foundations for Strategic Management Prof. Phil Bromiley, Dean’s Professor in Strategic Management, Uni. of California at Irvine
Tuesday 27th March 07 13:00 Room Q119 Harley Davidson First-Hand Lenny Burns (Owner of Waterford Harley-Davidson) Management and IS Group lunchtime seminar series
Tuesday 27th March 07 11:00 Room Q158 Trust in Teams Dr. Finian Buckley (DCUBS) LInK Seminar Series
Monday 26th March 07 18:30 Room Q220 Brand in Hand: How to Approach Marketing on Mobile Phones Eamon Hession MMII, CEO, Puca 10th Annual Spring Marketing Lecture Series
Wednesday 21st March 07 14:00 Q121 A Simulation Model of Two Firm Competition with Advertising Dr Malcolm Brady, DCUBS Enterprise Process Research Centre Seminar Series
Tuesday 13th March 07 18:30 Room Q122 Marketing Challenges in the Growth and Development of Aer Lingus Mr Dermot Mannion, CEO, Aer Lingus 10th Annual Spring Marketing Lecture Series
Tuesday 13th March 07 11:00 Q205 Action Research Dr. David Coghlan, Trinity College Dublin LInK Seminar Series
Tuesday 6th March 07 13:00 Room Q119 Innovation Xavier de Bustos (CEO – Nathema) Management and IS Group lunchtime seminar series
Monday 5th March 07 18:30 Room Q220 Marketing a Great Brand in Global Markets – the Case of Waterford Crystal Mr John Foley, CEO, Waterford Crystal 10th Annual Spring Marketing Lecture Series
Thursday 1st March 07 11:00 Q158 The Emergence of Technology Transfer Policy in Ireland – Transfer Lessons Dr. Teresa Hogan (DCUBS) LInK Seminar Series
Tuesday 27th February 07 13:00 Room Q115 General Trends in Ireland Michael McLoughlin (Director of Amarach Consulting) Management and IS Group lunchtime seminar series
Monday 26th February 07 18:30 Room Q220 From Little Acorns…Launching and Growing an Award Winning On-line Business Mr Ray Nolan, Group CEO and Founder, Web Reservations International (Winner 2006 – IIA Overall Net Visionary Award Winners 2003 – Ernst & Young, Emerging Entrepreneur of the Year and World Summit Awards) 10th Annual Spring Marketing Lecture Series
Monday 19th February 07 18:30 Room Q220 Devising and Implementing the Launch Strategy for Magners Irish Cider in the UK Maurice Breen, Marketing Director, Bulmers Limited (Winner Marketer of the Year Award 2006) 10th Annual Spring Marketing Lecture Series
Tuesday 13th February 07 13:00 Room Q119 Strategic Rewards John Treacy (Director of Treacy Consulting) Management and IS Group lunchtime seminar series
Tuesday 13th February 07 11:00 Q158 Relational Models: The Space Between Models Conor McKevitt (DCUBS) LInK Seminar Series
Monday 12th February 07 18:30 Room Q220 Marketing a Challenger Brand – the case of Vivas Health Deirdre Ashe, Marketing Director, Vivas Health 10th Annual Spring Marketing Lecture Series
Tuesday 6th February 07 13:00 Room Q115 Strategic Management Stephen Treacy (Group Strategy & Business Development Manager – C&C Group) Management and IS Group lunchtime seminar series
Monday 5th February 07 18:30 Room Q220 The Impact of New Online Channels of Marketing Fergal O’Byrne, CEO, Irish Internet Association 10th Annual Spring Marketing Lecture Series
Tuesday 14th November 06 Brand Cultures and Representational Ethics Prof. Jonathan Schroeder Dr. Janet Borgerson (University of Exeter)
Thursday 9th November 06 Master Class in Business Ethics Prof. Andrew Crane (University of Nottingham) Prof. Dirk Matten (Royal Holloway University London) Part of the EU funded ‘Mainstream Corporate Social Responsibility Among SMEs Project’ Business and the Environment in conjunction with Fingal County Council, The Irish Exporters Association, The City & County Enterprise Boards, The Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences and DCU
Thursday 2nd November 06 The Magic of Teams Dr. Melrona Kirrane & Dr. Patricia Moriarty LInK Seminar Series
Tuesday 24th October 06 Personal Learning Strategies Prof. Brendan Bannister (Northeastern University, Boston) LInK Seminar Series
Tuesday 17th October 06 13:00 – 15:00 Experiences from the ESRC Centre for Business Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability and Society Prof. Ken Peattie (Director of BRASS) The BRASS Centre, established by the Economic and Social Research Council in October 2001. Based at 55 Park Place at Cardiff University, has an interdisciplinary nature combining expertise from the Business School, the Law School and the School of City and Regional Planning.
Tuesday 17th October 06 Managing High Performance Ciara Nolan LInK Seminar Series
Tuesday 10th October 06 13:00 – 15:00 Enterprising Immigrants: The Irish Recording Industry in the USA from 1916 to the Depression. Harry Bradshaw (RTE music producer and researcher)
Wednesday 4th October 06 Supervising PhDs in the Social Sciences – Workshop Prof. Tom Keenoy Dr. Campbell Jones Mr. Stephen Dunne (Uni. of Leicester)
Tuesday 3rd October 06 High Performance Organisations in the Health Service Prof Kathy Monks & Dr Edel Conway LInK Seminar Series
Tuesday 16th May 06 18:00 – 19:00 Room Q217 The Ecology of Marketing Strategy Research Prof. Terry Clark (Southern Illinois)
Tuesday 2nd May 06 18:00 – 19:00 Room Q112 Cool Consumption Prof. Russell Belk Prof. N. Eldon Tanner (Prof of Business – David Eccles School of Business Utah and Lancaster Management School
Wednesday 12th April 06 14:00 – 15:00 Harsh Beauty: The Alternative Aesthetic of Tattooed Women Maurice Patterson (UL)
Friday 7th April 06 9:30 – 16:30 Room Q217 Business & Innovation in Management Research Workshop Workshop facilitated by Prof. Nick Oliver (Judge Institute, Cambridge) Prof. Rick Delbridge (Cardiff Business School) Prof. Mike Bresnen (University of Leicester Man. Centre) Dr. Pierre McDonagh (DCUBS)
Tuesday 4th April 06 18:00 – 19.30 Room Q120 Climbing a Stairway to Heaven: Led Zeppelin’s Celtic Embrace Prof. Kent Drummond (University of Wyoming) Research Seminar to MG 543 Marketing & Society Module
Wednesday 29th March 06 14:00 – 15:00 Theorizing Bohemia in Management Research Dr. Alan Bradshaw (Exeter) Dr. Pierre McDonagh (DCUBS)
Thursday 2nd March 06 14:00 – 15:00 Room Q205 Getting in, getting in & getting in: methodological issues of access to Fair Trade Clothing organistaions. Kellie Dalton (Fujitsu Scholar DCUBS) Marketing Group “Brown Bag Lunch” Seminar
Thursday 23rd Feb 06 14:00 – 15:00 Room Q205 Multi-sited multi-modal ethnography – a tool for mapping man-machine-society interfaces in contemporary world. Shakeel Siddiqui (Bank of Ireland Scholar DCUBS) Marketing Group “Brown Bag Lunch” Seminars