
Academic biography
Dr James Byrne is the director of the MSc in Management of Operations, and is a lecturer in Project Management, Management Science and Operational Analytics. He holds a BTech in Information Technology and Telecommunications (2002), an MTech in Computer Integrated Manufacturing (2003) and a PhD related to Operations, Management Science and Simulation (2009) from the University of Limerick, Ireland. In the past, he has worked with SAP Research (UK) in Belfast (Northern Ireland) as a Senior Research Scientist in the Technology Infrastructure domain, and has been involved in a number of University startup companies in the simulation domain.
He has been co-Principal Investigator, lead work packages and collaborated on a number large European Union funded collaborative research projects between industry and academia including OPTIMIS (FP7 €10.2 Mil), CACTOS (FP7 - €4.6 Mil) and RECAP (H2020 - €4.6 Mil), as well as Enterprise Ireland Innovation Partnerships, and nationally funded projects. He has collaborated heavily with industry and universities across Europe as part of his research including with Dell, Intel, BT, Atos, Flexiant, Barcelona Supercomputing and Tieto.
He has published internationally, including in the International Journal of Production Economics, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, the International Journal of Production Research, and the Journal of Computational Science. His research interests include applied modelling and simulation, and humanitarian operations.