Primary Department
School of Computing
Member of CeIC
Work Area/Key Responsibilities
Member of the CeIC
Glasnevin Campus
Room Number
Academic biography
Rob is an Assistant Professor in the School of Computing and lectures in data governance, Information Systems and distributed and concurrent programming. He is the Chair of the DCU MA in Data Protection and Privacy Law that is jointly hosted between the Schools of Law and government and the School of Computing. As a Funded investigator in the SFI ADAPT Centre, Rob works in the Data Governance Core research theme with the Co-PIs Prof Declan O'Sullivan and Prof Dave Lewis at Trinity College Dublin. His main research interests are data value, data quality, data governance and semantics. He is co-PI on the ADAPT-Ordnance Survey Ireland project data.geohive.ie to publish Ireland's reference geospatial data as Linked Data on the web and co-PI on an ontology-based legal search system with Prof Gareth Jones of the DCU School of Computing. He is currently working on with industrial collaborators such as Collibra, Ordnance Survey Ireland and Wolters Kluwer. Previously Rob worked in the Knowledge and Data Engineering research group at Trinity College Dublin, the Ericsson Network Management Research Centre and the Teltec-DCU telecommunications research centre where he completed his PhD in 2004. He also has over seven years industrial experience in start-ups and multinational corporations.Research interests
Data GovernancePrivacyData ValueData QualitySemantics/Linked Data
Geospatial Information Systems