Christian Kaunert

Hi, I am Prof Christian Kaunert and I am the Chair of the International Master in Security, Intelligence, and Strategic Studies at DCU. I am Professor of International Security at Dublin City University. In addition, I am Jean Monnet Chair, the Director of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence and Director of the Jean Monnet Network on EU Counter-Terrorism (
Previously, I served as Academic Director and Professor at the Institute for European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, a Professor of International Politics, Head of Discipline in Politics, and the Director of the European Institute for Security and Justice, a Jean Monnet Centre for Excellence, at the University of Dundee.
I have researched and taught in many international universities, such as University of Shandong, Jinan, China, IBEI Barcelona, Spain, the Diplomatic Academy Yerevan, Armenia – United Nations Development Mission, the University of Cairo, Egypt, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Turin, Italy, Ecole nationale d’administration Paris, European Institute of Public Administration Maastricht, Netherlands, European Studies Institute (ESI) at Moscow, University of Porto, Portugal, etc. I was previously Senior Lecturer at the University of Dundee, Marie Curie Senior Research Fellow at the European University Institute Florence, and Senior Lecturer in EU Politics & International Relations, University of Salford.
I have been an invited expert for the European Institute for Public Administration (EIPA), the Counter-Terrorism Committee of the European Parliament, the European Union Institute for Security Studies (an agency of the EU), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). Over my career, I have been awarded seven prestigious Marie Curie Fellowships, four Jean Monnet Chairs, and, finally, three Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, as well as one Jean Monnet Network of Excellence ‘EUCTER’.
Additionally, I was awarded a large Horizon 2020 research grant on Terrorist Radicalisation processes – Mindb4Act, and a large Horizon Europe Marie Curie Doctoral Training Network EUGLOCTER. I hold a PhD in International Politics & an MSc in European Politics from the University of Wales Aberystwyth, a BA (Hons) European Business from Dublin City University, ESB Reutlingen and a BA (Hons) Open University.
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