Jennifer O’Brien

I’ve always had a strong sense of social justice, which is probably why the degree in Health and Society stood out to me. I was also drawn to it due to the broad content and I identified closely with some of the module topics because of my own life struggles.
A life-changing experience
Choosing to study BSc Health and Society has been genuinely one of the best and most important decisions I have made in my life. I am not the same person that started the course – for the better. The course opened me to the truth that the suffering of one person is the suffering of all.
I now have a firm belief in my capabilities and that I can be a positive change for others. After I graduate, I see myself striving for a better world and advocating for those who cannot advocate for themselves.
Getting the right support to learn
I was given every support I needed to get the best degree possible. The course lecturers were some of the most down-to-earth, humane people I have ever met; they lead by example. The lecturers also went out of their way in the students’ best interest, which was not something I had expected. I was also surprised at how enjoyable and exciting studying could be.
Jennifer O’Brien - Class of 2021