Nwigbo Ogechukwu

This has been a uniquely interesting programme. Generally, it is quite intensive and fast-paced with a large burden on the student for self-directed learning and research. However, it has served as a valuable learning experience for me.
The faculty is passionate and knowledgeable on the course content, and clinical staff are mostly helpful with student learning facilitation on the ward. The combination of theory and practice modules helps me consolidate learning and internalise new knowledge better. I would describe the course as exerting but rewarding.
Becoming a registered children’s nurse
I enrolled in the PRCN programme due to my interest in paediatric care and my desire to improve my skills and knowledge in looking after children with health needs. I trained in general nursing, but have worked in a paediatric setting outside Ireland. The PRCN course will grant me the official authorisation and recognition to care for sick children and young people.
During the programme, I got to learn about and experience aspects of children’s healthcare that I had little or no exposure to beforehand. These include intellectual disabilities, family-centred care, child protection, and various equipment and procedures/ techniques in the clinical area.
The course has also opened my eyes to new topics of research I would like to investigate in the future, such as childhood development. I would recommend this course to anyone who is highly motivated as it is richly rewarding and ultimately fulfilling.
Nwigbo Ogechukwu - Class of 2022
DCU Prospectus - Go back to Higher Diploma in Nursing