Rhoda Massoud

Profile picture of Rhoda Massoud

My one year internship with LinkedIn completely changed my career path. 

I initially started in DCU studying International Business with Spanish which I really loved as a course but I decided to make the tough decision to transition over to General Business Studies in my 2nd year.

The reason for this change was because I decided that I personally preferred to do the internship in my 3rd year rather than the Erasmus year and this decision for me, was really pivotal.

DCU was so supportive to me in making this change and really helped me to follow what I felt was best for me.

I completed a one year internship with LinkedIn in 2015/2016 and this was one of the most eye-opening experiences I had as it completely changed my career path.

I didn’t think that an internship would have much impact on my “real-life career” as I was always sure that I would end up in Finance one way or another due to that being where my strengths were academically – all of my top grades came from my finance based modules.

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