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Business School

Centre for Research in Management Learning and Development - CRMLD Members

centre for research in management learning and development

crmld members

The members of the centre are:

Name Position Main Area Of Expertise
Professor Kathy Monks Director of Centre Human resource Management
Professor Patricia Barker Registrar, DCU Accounting

Dr Finian Buckley

Senior Lecturer in Organisational Psychology Organisational Psychology
Dr Melrona Kirrane Lecturer in Organisational Psychology Human Resource Management
Ms Edel Conway

Lecturer in HRM

Human Resource Management
Dr Gerry McNamara Head of School of Education Studies Adult Education
Ms Kay MacKeogh Senior Lecturer, National Distance Education Centre Distance Learning
Mr Joe Curry Lecturer in Education Adult Education
Dr James Walsh Lecturer in Managent, UCC Strategy, HRM

Postgraduate Research Students

Postgraduate research students are pursuing a variety of topics and issues as part of their research programmes and these are listed below. The students come from Ireland and overseas and are engaged in both full-time and part-time study. The Centre welcomes applications from prospective students.

Angelos Alexopoulos
HRM practices and knowledge management

Blaze Aylmer
The impact of organisational change on employee trust perceptions and behaviour

John Butler
The impact of quality change on organisation culture in the Irish public and private sectors

James Brunton
Motivation, values and misbehaviour in the workplace

Jennifer Evans
The Impact of leadership and followership and the impact on motivation in the workplace

Shirley Kavanagh
The influence of emotional factors in top team management

Maggie Van den Heuval
Work-family and leisure domain mix and conflict