DCU Masters in
Business Management
students, David
Gilchrist & Enkeled
Uldedaj, have won
the 'Most Innovative
Use of Technology'
category at the
Accenture ‘Leaders
of Tomorrow Award’.
The Accenture ‘Leaders of Tomorrow Award’, open to third-level graduates across the country, seeks to recognise, identify and foster the next generation of talent that will help in shaping the public, private and social landscape of Ireland in the coming years.
The winning business concept of David Gilchrist and Enkeled Uldedaj concerned the use of body shape scanning data for use in e-commerce applications.
Enkeled outlines the team’s original business concept:
“Our project uses 3D body scanning technologies to provide body-shape visualisation solutions to online apparel retailers, avatar-based software manufacturers,and the health and fitness sector. Our solutions will allow businesses and their users to design, manufacture, evaluate and purchase best-fit products for individual and aggregate body shapes and sizes. Clothing buyers will be able model clothing online on a near exact 3D model for optimised fit.â€
David continues:
“Users of avatar-based software, virtual worlds and games such as Second Life and others will be able to import their real body shape and data to create exact virtual replicas of their real selves. Manufacturers and providers of health and fitness products and services can use our solutions for tracking body shape changes and product design.â€
Participation in the ‘Leaders of Tomorrow Awards’ has been very rewarding for the team, as Enkeled explains:
“Acknowledgement and recognition of our work and efforts were the first thought that went through my mind when I heard that we got to final round. Presenting our work in front of successful leaders that one day I hope to become is a major stepping stone for me.â€
“Reaching the final round and wining one of the runner-up prizes has inspired and encouraged me and my colleagues to make use of any idea no matter how simple it might look. We all know from history that most successful ideas are the simple ones.â€
DCU had two teams in the final of the 2010 Accenture ‘Leaders of Tomorrow Award’. The second DCU team, comprising Sinead Geraghty and Sean Donnelly, both students of DCU’s MSc in Electronic Commerce (Business), also made it through the national final. Their original business concept concerned the use of social gaming in education.
DCU’s success in the competition this year follows the University’s win last year, when three students of the M.Sc. in Electronic Commerce took the overall Accenture ‘Leaders of Tomorrow Award’.
The Accenture ‘Leaders of Tomorrow Award’, open to third-level graduates across the country, seeks to recognise, identify and foster the next generation of talent that will help in shaping the public, private and social landscape of Ireland in the coming years.
The winning business concept of David Gilchrist and Enkeled Uldedaj concerned the use of body shape scanning data for use in e-commerce applications.
Enkeled outlines the team’s original business concept:
“Our project uses 3D body scanning technologies to provide body-shape visualisation solutions to online apparel retailers, avatar-based software manufacturers,and the health and fitness sector. Our solutions will allow businesses and their users to design, manufacture, evaluate and purchase best-fit products for individual and aggregate body shapes and sizes. Clothing buyers will be able model clothing online on a near exact 3D model for optimised fit.â€
David continues:
“Users of avatar-based software, virtual worlds and games such as Second Life and others will be able to import their real body shape and data to create exact virtual replicas of their real selves. Manufacturers and providers of health and fitness products and services can use our solutions for tracking body shape changes and product design.â€
Participation in the ‘Leaders of Tomorrow Awards’ has been very rewarding for the team, as Enkeled explains:
“Acknowledgement and recognition of our work and efforts were the first thought that went through my mind when I heard that we got to final round. Presenting our work in front of successful leaders that one day I hope to become is a major stepping stone for me.â€
“Reaching the final round and wining one of the runner-up prizes has inspired and encouraged me and my colleagues to make use of any idea no matter how simple it might look. We all know from history that most successful ideas are the simple ones.â€
DCU had two teams in the final of the 2010 Accenture ‘Leaders of Tomorrow Award’. The second DCU team, comprising Sinead Geraghty and Sean Donnelly, both students of DCU’s MSc in Electronic Commerce (Business), also made it through the national final. Their original business concept concerned the use of social gaming in education.
DCU’s success in the competition this year follows the University’s win last year, when three students of the M.Sc. in Electronic Commerce took the overall Accenture ‘Leaders of Tomorrow Award’.