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DCU Business School -Martin A Whyte

dcu business school

martin a whyte

Martin A Whyte is lecturer in marketing at DCU Business School. Prior to joining DCU Business School in 2002, he was a lecturer in marketing at NUI, Galway. Before moving to academia, he was a management consultant with PriceWaterhouseCoopers and Accenture, where he specialised in strategy consulting. He worked with clients in various industries throughout Europe, including Hewlett – Packard, Powergen, AIB Capital Markets, Goldman Sachs and Kuwait Petroleum International. He was also involved in two start-up ventures. His research interests are centred on examining the impact of new technologies on relationship marketing and he is completing a PhD at the University of Strathclyde. He is a graduate of NUI, Galway, where he was awarded BComm, LLB and MBS degrees.