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DCU Business School - Mary Loonam

DCU Business School

Mary Loonam

Name: Ms Mary Loonam
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Room Number: Q243
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Academic and Professional Qualifications: Bachelor of Business Studies, University of Limerick
Masters of Business Studies, University of Limerick
Biography: Mary Loonam is a Lecturer in Management at Dublin City University. Mary was awarded a Masters through research from the University of Limerick in 2006. Prior to joining DCU Mary worked in Amárach Consultancy as a Senior Researcher. Mary teaches in Management and Research Methods. Her research interests include the usage of self-service technologies, remote encounters and online personalisation.
Teaching Areas: Management
Research Methods
Research Interests:

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Selected Publications: Loonam, M. and D. O'Loughlin (2008). ‘An Observational Analysis of E-Service Quality in Online Banking’ Journal of Financial Services Marketing l3(2) pp.164-178

Loonam, M. and D. O'Loughlin (2008). ‘Exploring E-Service Quality – A Study of Irish Online Banking’ Intelligent Marketing and Planning Journal (Forthcoming)

Loonam, M. and D. O'Loughlin (2006). Financial E-Service Quality - A Study of Irish Online Banking. Proceedings of the 35th European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Athens University of Economics & Business, Greece (May 23rd– 26th).

Loonam, M. and D. O'Loughlin (2005). Exploring E-Service Quality - A Study of Irish Online Banking. Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland (July 5th-7th).

Loonam, M. and D. O'Loughlin (2004). Exploring the Effects of Online Service Encounters on Perceived Service Quality: A Study of Irish Financial Services. Proceedings of the Irish Academy of Management, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland (Sept 2nd-3rd).