DCU Business School - The DCUBS Difference
DCU Business School
The DCUBS Difference
At DCUBS we believe that education is not just about establishing business know-how and competence; it is about developing the whole person. The School has developed a reputation for lecturer and student interacting as equals in a 'learning partnership'.
Developing 'Rounded' Professionals
Our approach to business education is based on the integration of personal and professional development. We work in partnership with our students to enable them to reach their full personal potential.
With the Uaneen Module, DCU is the first university in the Republic of Ireland to formally recognise work done and learning acquired by students through extra-curricular activities and to award academic credits for these activities.
Student-Focused and Collegial
We are student-focused in our orientation; indeed, this is one of our guiding principles.
We - staff and students alike - pride ourselves on our informality and friendliness.
DCUBS has the advantage of being housed in its own purpose-built, four-storey building on campus. This promotes interaction and contributes significantly to a sense of common identity for both Faculty and students.
Developing and Applying the Latest Teaching and Learning Techniques
As Ireland's most innovative business school, students benefit from the use of state-of-the-art learning technologies and techniques. Indeed, DCUBS hosts two research centres that engage in research into this area.
The Centre for Research on Student Learning and Teaching (CReST) is a research cluster within DCU that aims to provide a cohesive framework for high-quality, innovative research on student learning and teaching.
Through the Learning, Innovation and Knowledge Research Centre (LInK), DCUBS is actively engaged in researching the use of applied learning technologies. This includes the piloting of new educational technologies and initiatives at DCUBS.
Experiential Learning
As part of the 'adult learning experience', experiential learning techniques, including business simulations, case studies, seminars, student-led tutorials, problem-based learning (including 'hands-on' business projects), problem-solving and team building exercises are used to apply knowledge.
Assessments focus strongly on work and industry related assignments, thereby developing strong professional competencies in our students.
The INTRA work placement scheme sees most undergraduate students undertake paid work placement as an integral part of their degree.
At postgraduate level, small class size facilitates a highly interactive approach to management education.
These practical, industry-focused learning techniques, combined with an emphasis on creative thinking and new enterprise development, give DCUBS graduates a genuine advantage in the workplace.
Close Collaboration with Key Stakeholders
At DCUBS we include a wide range of inputs into new programme development to ensure relevance to a wide range of stakeholders, including students, employers, and government and professional bodies. This collaboration continues as the programmes develop and are constantly refined and updated in line with changing market requirements.
Inter-Disciplinary Focus
Inter-disciplinarity is a hallmark of life at DCUBS. Our work with colleagues across all four faculties at DCU enables us to offer programmes that provide students with knowledge and perspectives on a number of distinct, yet related disciplines. It also enables us to engage in groundbreaking cross-disciplinary research.
This unique learning experience at DCUBS enables students to develop the necessary insights and competencies to succeed in the contemporary business world.