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Business School

DCU Business School - The DCUBS Difference

DCU Business School

Ireland's Most Innovative Business School

Dublin City University Business School is a force for innovation and change in management education.

Since its inception, it has:

  • Introduced an impressive number of programmes which are the first of their kind in Ireland, including new programmes in Technology Management, Quantitative Finance, Emergency Management, Strategic Procurement, Marketing, Innovation and Technology, and the unique Professional Doctoral Programme
  • Been one of the first business schools to pioneer the inclusion of work placements on its undergraduate degree programmes
  • Promoted the concept of integrating business education in technology programmes
  • Developed post-experience programmes that incorporate work-based projects which address organisational issues with a view to implementing solutions
  • Pioneered the integration of languages with business education
  • Led the way in international linkage programmes with strong student exchange arrangements across Europe, the US, Japan and China
  • Broken new ground in research in its core disciplines of accounting, marketing, human resource management, economics, finance and entrepreneurship, and management and information systems
  • Established the Learning, Innovation and Knowledge (LInK) Centre, a university designated research centre that engages in cross-disciplinary research projects which focus on creating learning, innovation and knowledge in the domains of knowledge intensive firms, health services management, and technology
  • Pioneered new modes of assessment in business education through the Centre for Research on Student-Learning and Teaching (CReST), a research cluster which aims to provide a cohesive framework for high quality, innovative research on student learning and teaching.

...Just some of the many and varied factors that make DCUBS
Ireland’s most innovative business school.