DCU’s First Symposium on Capital Markets and Fintech

The recently established Finance Innovation Group at Dublin City University will host its inaugural quarterly symposium on Capital Markets and Fintech at DCU Alpha on Tuesday, 28th February.
Over 100 stakeholders operating in the financial services and technology sectors are expected to attend the one-day event to explore the future of banking, high frequency trading, cybersecurity and legal considerations for fintech, and the opportunities and challenges for cloud adoption in the sector.
Comprising researchers from the Irish Centre for Cloud Computing and Commerce (IC4) and members of DCU Business School, the Finance Innovation Group at DCU was set up to support the Irish financial services industry on areas such as sustainable finance, capital markets, risk management, applied econometrics, corporate governance, cybersecurity and financial technology.
Presentations and panel discussions from leading industry and academic speakers will provide insight into the financial services and Fintech landscape and will focus on the opportunities and challenges presented by;
- Capital Markets Union – the European Commission’s plan to mobilise capital in Europe to support industry and infrastructure projects that need it to expand and create jobs.
- Fintech – a dynamic segment at the intersection of the financial services and technology sectors. Innovations in cloud and mobile computing, social business, and big data analytics are transforming the financial services sector providing new opportunities for value creation.
Speakers and panellists include:
- Joan Mulvihill, Centre Director, Irish Centre for Computing and Commerce (IC4)
- Eleonora Monaco, Senior Liaison Officer, ECMCRC
- Declan McEvoy, CEO, Coalface Capitol
- Mark Cummins, Senior Lecturer in Finance, DCU
- James Casey, Director , Investment Management and Banking, KPMG
- Peter O’Halloran, Collaborator, Fintech Ireland
- Cillian Leonowicz, Senior Manager, Consulting, Deloitte
- Pierangelo Rosati, Post-Doc Researcher, IC4
- Jack Nagle, Head of Business Development, Irish Centre for Cloud Computing and Commerce
- Killian Barry, Manager Accenture Strategy
- Don Scott, Director in Regulatory Consulting, KPMG
- Mark Adair, Senior Associate, Mason Hayes & Curran
- Dave Anderson, Collaborator, Fintech Ireland
- Michael Murnane, VP, Technology Management Fidelity Investments
- Ronan Dalton, Cloud Advisor, IBM
- Theo Lynn, Principal Investigator, IC4
- Iain Niblock, CEO, Orca Money