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DCU Sport

DCU Sport Group Fitness Classes Bookings

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DCU Sport group fitness class bookings code of conduct

 Please note the following:

  1. Please contact sports.complex@dcu.ie if you need to retrieve your username and password.
  2. Each of our facilities will be bookable through the DCU Sport app and on this Page,
  3. The "DCU Sport" app is available to download from either the IOS app store or the Android Play store.
  4. All group fitness classes must be booked in advance.
  5. We ask that if you cannot attend you remove yourself from the booking.
  6. A sweat towel and bottled water are essential for ALL fitness classes.
  7. Please bring your own exercise mat when required.
  8. Please arrive on time for all bookings.
  9. Please sanitize all fitness equipment before and after use.
  10. Please adhere to Class Code of Conduct displayed.
  11. Bookings can be cancelled up to one hour prior to class beginning.
  12. If there is availability classes can be booked up to 20minutes before class starts time
  13. There will be a €2.00 fine applied to all members accounts who do not turn up to a booked class.


Group Fitness Schedule



Data Protection

All personal data provided by you on this self declaration form are retained by DCU Sport for purposes connected with your membership of DCU Sports Complex only. DCU Sport will not disclose your personal data to third parties, except in exceptional circumstances, for example if required by the authorities in connection with contract tracing. If you wish to obtain further information about data protection please visit https://www.dcu.ie/dcusport/Privacy.shtml or www.dataprotection.ie.

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