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DCU Staff Membership Application

DCU Staff Membership Application

*Please note this is for membership renewal application, new members must contact the sports complex reception to join. 


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Membership type

If permanent/COID please note this.

Frequency of salary
Authorisation of deduction from payroll

PLEASE NOTE You must be FULL TIME/REGULAR hours to pay via payroll. If you cease to be paid on DCU/CR&D payrolls the balance of 12 months must be settled immediately. Payment will be in line with your contract end date. All staff memberships must be for the period of 12 months unless otherwise agreed. Any special requirements or cancellations requests must be submitted to karen.conroy@dcu.ie one month in advance.

If none please write none, if yes, please describe

I have read and agree to the health questionnaire

Health Statement: I fully understand the active nature of the programme and the risks associated with physical exercise and use of pool & spa facilities. I accept responsibility for my health and well-being on the voluntary exercise programme and related tests I am about to undertake. I understand no responsibility will be assumed by the leaders of the programme / the instructors of University Sports Complex arising from any accident, injury or loss sustained by me as a result of activities at or present in University Sports Complex. I understand that I am advised to undertake the complimentary personal training session / gym induction program provided by DCU Sport before using the fitness centre / undertaking an exercise regime. I acknowledge that I am physically fit and free from any illnesses that may be aggravated by performing exercise. I understand that medical clearance may be required by DCU Sport if I develop an illness or injury during the term of my membership.

I have read and agree to the terms and conditions.

Membership terms and conditions are available at http://www.dcu.ie/dcusport/terms.shtml

Marketing Options - Do you agree to receive emails about programmes or events offered at DCU Sport? (Does not refer to membership related emails)
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