EROSS - Expressions Research Orientations: Sexuality Studies

Eross - Expressions Research Orientations: Sexuality Studies

PhD Students

Marelise Spies

Phd Title

The Social Construction of Lesbian Women's Evolving Sense of Self and Sexual Identity in Ireland


This research study entails a psychological exploration of how lesbian women in Ireland develop a sense of self and sexual identity over time. Following thematic analysis of fourteen qualitative interviews, a conceptual model evolved that depicts the development of lesbians’ sense of self and sexual identity. It considers how lesbians construct their lesbian self in relation to self; significant others; and the socio-cultural and legal contexts. This model moves away from more traditional, stage-based coming out models (e.g. Cass, 1979; Coleman, 1982) that typically do not allow for the co-existence of fluidity and stability - nor idiosyncrasies - in lesbians’ experience of self and sexual identity. The women’s accounts are furthermore presented as narrative summaries and discussed in terms of emerging themes. In line with Markowe (1996) who argues that the development of a lesbian identity should not only be investigated at the individual, intra-psychic or interpersonal levels, but also include issues at intergroup and societal levels, I employ an overarching theoretical framework that integrates self psychology and social constructionism. As such, I aim to allow for the possibility that stability and change can co-exist, which fits with the notion of a multiplicity of truths and renders the evolving self viable - potentially discontinuous over time, yet experientially unifying for the person (Diamond, 2007).