Launch of Report on Inclusive Systems published by the European Commission
Katherine Zappone, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, will join Dublin City University on Wednesday 20th September to launch a report published by the European Commission on the development of a new tool to analyse the inclusiveness of education systems.
International research indicates that school systems need to change in order to tackle early school leaving and improve social inclusion in education and society. Policy-makers and school actors require practical tools to assist them in this process, made all the more urgent by the EU2020 headline target to reduce early school leaving.
Led by Dr. Paul Downes, Director of the Educational Disadvantage Centre at Dublin City University, this report develops such practical tools by translating international research findings, as well as EU policy and legal documents into user-friendly proposals to guide strategic reform of policy and practice.
Promoting inclusive systems can help address major issues of societal importance in the education system, including early school leaving prevention, mental health supports for vulnerable students, school bullying and violence prevention, and a positive learning environment to foster student learning and leadership.
Welcome – Professor Brian MacCraith, President, DCU
Launch by Petra Goran, European Commission, Directorate General for Education and Culture and Minister Katherine Zappone, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs of the report, Structural Indicators for Inclusive Systems in and around Schools (2017). Downes, P., Nairz-Wirth, E. & Rusinaite, V. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union
- Petra Goran, European Commission, Directorate General for Education and Culture
- Minister Katherine Zappone, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs
- Irene Psifidou, Cedefop - Presentation on the new Structural Indicators Self-Reflection Toolkit for Preventing Early Leaving from Vocational Education and Training led by Paul Downes
- Professor Paul Downes, Director, Educational Disadvantage Centre, Associate Professor of Education (Psychology), DCU
- Professor Erna Nairz-Wirth, Vienna