Workshop: A Role for Hydrogen in the Decarbonisation of the Irish Energy & Transport Systems?

Workshop: A Role for Hydrogen in the Decarbonisation of the Irish Energy & Transport Systems?
9.30 Registration & Tea/coffee
10.00 Setting the Scene
Welcome by Dr Brian Corcoran, Head of School, Dublin City University
Renewable H2: linking power, gas & transport, Hydrogenics
Role of the EU Commission in Facilitating H2 R&D, FCH-JU
IERC in the Development & Demonstration of Advanced Energy R&D, IERC
11.00 Tea/coffee
11.30 Electro-mobility
Bridging transportation and the grid via electro-mobility, (BEVs/FCEV’s), SEAI
Hydrogen Buses: a UK project perspective, Element Energy
Hydrogen Bus & Car fleet roll out, Toyota Ireland
12.30 Light Lunch
13.30 Grid balancing and energy storage
The need for grid balancing and energy storage in Ireland, Eirgrid
The role of wind & hydrogen as a balancing technology, ABO
Active Wind H2 storage & demonstration project in Ireland, GenComm
14.30 Tea/coffee
15.00 Green gas The role of Green Gas in GNI Decarbonization, Gas Networks Ireland
Positioning Green Gas in Ireland, Renewable Gas Forum
Impact of Renewable Hydrogen on Irish Biogas Resource – MaREI, UCC
Upgrading biogas to biomethane, Pentair
Methanation & injection of Hydrogen, TBC
Financing Mechanism for Grid Gas Injection Projects post RHI
16.30 Next Steps Followed by Reception & Dinner
Sponsored by Hydrogenics Registration:
You are kindly invited to attend this event, free of charge.
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Reception Dinner spaces limited. If you are interested but cannot attend please connect for workshop outputs