Media and Politics in a Polarised World

The Helix
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Media and Politics in a Polarised World

Research and industry symposium hosted by the School of Communications, Dublin City University. 


Is our world experiencing a global crisis of trust, empathy and truth?

Though history tells us it has been worse, media and politics scholars and journalism practitioners note the growing polarisation of societies around the globe.

Europe in particular has been struggling on several fronts: from the migration crisis to the flare-up of nationalist sentiment; from Brexit to the resonance of the 2016 US elections; from the threat of cyber-attacks to information wars and fake news.

How are academics and media professionals making sense of media and politics in a polarised world, and what can we learn from their incisive scholarly inquiry and innovative approaches to journalism as practice?

This symposium brings together cutting-edge political, communications and media research and journalism innovations from around the globe to grapple with these burning questions.

The event is generously supported by the VOX-Pol Network of Excellence at DCU and the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland.

Seating is limited, so please register early.