Popcorn with TED for International Women's Day
The Space, The Helix
Target Audience
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Free of charge or ticket price
Free of charge
For more information contact
DCU Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Registration Link

Popcorn with TED: DCU Equality, Diversity and Inclusion would like to invite staff and students to a "Popcorn with TED" event on Wednesday 4th March (St Patrick's Campus) from 1pm - 2pm.
The event will be screening three engaging TED talks:
- "The danger of a single story" Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - TEDGlobal 2009
- "His and hers ... health care" Paula Johnson - TEDWomen 2013
- "Your body language may shape who you are" Amy Cuddy - TEDGlobal 2012