DCUBS: Securing the Aviation Industry’s Future

The coronavirus has delivered, almost overnight, a colossal blow to world aviation. The very future of the industry and of its constituent parts – manufacturers, finance firms, airlines, airports, ATC providers etc. – is remarkably unclear at this moment.
Many governments are pouring billions of euros into their aviation industry, airlines especially. This national focus threatens to Balkanise aviation, to undermine the goal of a ‘level playing field’, to substantially weaken the single aviation market in the EU.
It seems beyond doubt that air travel will recover – how else to travel long-distance in a timely way? – but costs and so ticket prices are likely to be higher for many reasons, and therefore passenger numbers lower. Government involvement in the industry will surely increase; internationally, airports may abandon some (runway) investments; and as airlines with less deep-pocketed governments collapse, competition – the consumer’s friend – will
Join our Live Webinar on May 21st at 11am, where DCU Business School will draw on its specialist knowledge in aviation management to offer a webinar to discuss the current situation of aviation and what needs to be done to secure the industry’s future. Cathal Guiomard, DCU lecturer and former aviation regulator, will offer views, and answer questions from participants.
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