Workshop: Community Engaged Research Methods: Opportunities and Challenges

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Workshop: Community Engaged Research Methods: Opportunities and Challenges

This workshop will provide a participatory introduction to the main opportunities and challenges posed by engaged community research methods 

Community based research foregrounds the direct participation of the community and advocates an equal partnership between the university and the community.


10.00 - 10.10 Introduction, agenda for the day.

Prof Ronnie Munck and Joanna Ozarowska

DCU Office of Civic Engagement/DCU in the Community


10.10 - 10.40 Community-Based Research Methods - An Introduction

Input/PowerPoint presentation (Prof Ronnie Munck)


10.40 - 10.55 Break


10.55 - 11.05 Case Study 1: Participatory Arts Based Inquiry as a Method of Community Engaged Research

Dr Briege Casey, School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health


11.05 - 11.15 Case Study 2: Using music by older adults (60-81) and adolescent teenagers (15-17) as a resource to manage age-related transition and facilitate well-being

Dr Gary Sinclair, DCU Business School


11.15 - 11.25 Case Study 3: Citizen science and public engagement at ADAPT Centre

Laura Grehan, ADAPT Centre, School of Computing


11.25 – 11.35 Case Study 4: In praise of conversations: using interviews in CBR to capture the lived experiences of older people.

Dr Trudy Corrigan, School of Policy and Practice, IoE


11.35 - 12.00 Discussion and Q&A with speakers

Moderator: Joanna Ozarowska, DCU in the Community