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Further Education & Training Research Centre

FETRC Erasmus Plus success in Adult Learning

FETRC has had yet another successful Erasmus Plus application. GrandExperts is a 2-year Erasmus + project.

Within the project, older adults will be trained to develop high-quality, innovative, and interactive ICT based courses to be shared with other seniors. The approach is based on innovative pedagogies and practices and includes a well-balanced combination of knowledge transfer and learning from experience (use of storytelling). Strongly included is an emphasis on EU 2020 goals: improving the quality and efficiency of education and training, enhancing creativity and innovation at all levels of education and training, making lifelong learning a reality. The project leader for this Erasmus + project is ILI, the Institute for Learning Innovation in the University of Erlangen Nuremberg, Germany; the partners are the Foundation for Women’s Issues in Warsaw, Poland; BAGSO, and umbrella organisation for a number of association for seniors (represents 13 million people) in Bonn, Germany; the association Art-Age in Amsterdam, the Netherlands; the Tulip Foundation, Sofia, Bulgaria, and the Further Education & Training Research centre (FETRC) in DCU. The principle investigator is Dr Cathy Fowley DCU.