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Further Education & Training Research Centre

En-Abilities E+ Project

En-Abilities is another new E+ project secured by FETRC in 2017.

FETRC members, Dr. Ger Scanlon (School of Human Development, IOE, DCU) and Dr. John Lalor (School of Policy and Practice, IOE, DCU) recently attended the kick-off meeting of the Erasmus + 2017 project En-Abilities. The meeting was held at the University of Burgos in Spain in the first week of November and the project’s focus is on the improvement of learning opportunities for adults and the social inclusion of people with disabilities, which are significant goals of the European Union. The challenge addressed by this project is to create tools that serve as support for students with special educational needs and who may suffer discrimination or difficulties in accessing the labor market, or in the full development of their personal and social skills. The first meeting was attended by representatives of the University of Burgos as coordinator of the project, University of Aveiro (Portugal), University of Belgrade (Serbia), Galatiensis University (Romania), Dublin City University (Ireland), Spanish Society of Social and Health Care ( Spain), and Prometeo Innovations (Spain). This meeting was successful in terms of the commitment made by all partners to the improvement and planning of tasks and meetings. 

The meeting focussed on the analysis of the needs of the potential users of the educational platform and attempted to identify the teaching content and material that will be incorporated into the platform. The meeting also explored possibilities for cooperation among the partners in their efforts to support the autonomous learning of people with disabilities. It highlighted the need to develop a transnational project that can be useful to people living in multiple countries and which doesn’t restrict learning to a single group or culture. A commitment was made to hold virtual meetings every quarter and the next face-to-face meeting will be held in Dublin in September 2018.