Format Test

Department Title

Page title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris elementum, urna quis dapibus malesuada, diam mi accumsan purus, eu accumsan diam ante vel nulla. Maecenas ligula orci, consectetur et scelerisque sit amet, molestie sed purus. Morbi in diam dui. Aenean ac lacus vitae dolor auctor dignissim ac sed massa. Phasellus sem arcu, commodo sed luctus vel, mattis sed risus.


In et nisl eget urna viverra consequat vel sed neque. Sed commodo vehicula mollis. Fusce vel odio id mi venenatis bibendum et id velit. Sed imperdiet justo sed libero congue consequat eget ut mauris. Aliquam vel feugiat massa. Vivamus egestas quam a nibh dictum varius. Donec blandit dui a magna elementum quis rutrum nisi pretium. Nunc vehicula egestas quam nec vestibulum. In eu leo tellus, sed sollicitudin arcu.

Another Subtitle

Sed imperdiet justo sed libero congue consequat eget ut mauris. Aliquam vel feugiat massa. Vivamus egestas quam a nibh dictum varius. Donec blandit dui a magna elementum quis rutrum nisi pretium. Nunc vehicula egestas quam nec vestibulum. In eu leo tellus, sed sollicitudin arcu. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis a purus sit amet tellus porttitor feugiat. Fusce quis sapien vel urna semper imperdiet vitae vel augue. Nulla libero neque, tristique id lobortis non, interdum nec ligula. Vestibulum id cursus mauris.

A link to another page


Header for the tableNow this cell is full of this
Next one full of thatNext one full of this
That and thisThose and them








Students on the University’s programmes in ALIS, LIC, IBL, EB, IR, EPL, MIJS and Engineering programmes, travelling to foreign universities with which we have an Erasmus bilateral agreement must complete this form.

All information provided in this form, and all correspondence in connection with the application, will be treated in strict confidence, and will not form part of the University’s general student records.


This completed form, should be returned in an envelope to the INTERNATIONAL OFFICE, marked ‘Confidential: SOCRATES Grants’, to arrive not later than the 27th May 2011


This form has been designed to assist us in identifying those in greatest need. It is in your own interest to complete the form as fully as possible. Supplementary information may be attached on a separate sheet, but not as a substitute to completing the form.

The giving of false information on this form will render the application invalid, and may be referred to the Disciplinary Committee.


Name of Applicant: ________________________________ Age: __________________


Student Number: _______________________________ Degree Course: _____________


Host University: __________________________________________________________


Full Postal address[1]: _______________________________________________________




Are you eligible for a Higher Education Grant, VEC Scholarship, or other such award? If not, state the reasons. If you are in receipt of such an award, or of a DAAD Scholarship or similar form of support, please give full details:






Please give details of any work placement or assistantship (or ‘stage’) which is part of your period abroad:





Please give details of any remission of fees or other forms of support you have received from this University either in the past or in the current academic year, or any application for same which is still being considered or which you intend to make:



Please give the details of any loans from banks etc. which you have taken out:





Gross Parental Income (Please note this must be given by all applicants under 26):



Number of dependant children in family: _____________________


Please give all additional relevant details regarding your financial situation, including the amount of money you currently have or expect to receive in the near future, and foreseeable expenses associated with the year abroad other than the usual living and travel expenses:





Please give the names and addresses of two referees and indicate their status (i.e. why they are in a position to act as your referee).

These should not be members of your family, but should be persons resident in Ireland who are aware of your circumstances and who can therefore provide independent corroboration of the information given by you. You should tell your referees that their names are being used.




Bank Account Details: 


Bank Type and Branch …………………………………………………….


Name of Account Holder ………………………………………………….


Bank Account Number: ………………………………………


Bank Sort Code ………………………………………………


Account type (savings, deposit, etc) …………………………………….


Bank IBAN code: ……………………………………………………….


Bank BIC code: …………………………………………………………



I certify that the information given on this form is correct.



Signed: __________________________ Date: _______________________________





[1] For correspondence during the months prior to departure.