DCU Anti-Bullying Centre hosts World Café on Addressing Bullying Behaviour as part of National Anti-Bullying Week 2024
The day was divided into three sessions, these involved a world café style consultation, where groups rotated between tables, discussing and sharing ideas on specific themes such as bullying, parental involvement, online kindness and online bullying. Once all students had contributed to each of the themes, they returned to their original table to discuss the findings with their group. Together they then prepared presentations to share and summarise their insights with the entire audience.
Darran Heaney, Director of Engagement for DCU Anti-Bullying Centre said
“Engaging young people in consultations and involving them in decision making when it comes to bullying as part of the co-design process, can enhance their empowerment both individually and collectively. World Café methodology is a simple, effective and flexible format for hosting group dialogue aligns with the Centre and DCU’s commitment to engaged research.”

Through our World Café, the DCU Anti-Bullying Centre recognises the importance of a robust consultation process which encompasses meaningful engagement with children and young people on bullying behaviour. It is also a recognition of their rights to express their views and have their voices heard in decisions that directly affect them, in line with the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of the Child (Article 12 in particular) and the strategic objectives of DCU Anti-Bullying Centre.
The event was supported by the Department of Education, Rethink Ireland, UNESCO and Coimisiun na Mean.
Following on from the event, DCU Anti-Bullying Centre will publish a report of the findings from the day which will be shared with Centre stakeholders and used to help inform the direction of future research.