DCU News
News at DCU

Green Day at DCU

Tuesday 25th March is Green Day at DCU.  A number of events will take place on campus and everyone is welcome to take part:

Water Rocket Launcher Competition
Water Movie
Rediscovery Centre Bike Workshop
WEEE Ireland Electrical Waste Competition

A full list of events is available on the Sustatinability DCU facebook page:  https://www.facebook.com/sustainabilitydcu


Future Events
DCU has adopted a street with Dublin City Council. Once every 3 weeks, staff and students will team up in an effort to keep a section of Collins Avenue and Ballymun road clean. If you would like to take part please email sustainability@dcu.ie, subject 'Adopt a Street'. The next date is Friday 28th March at 1:30 pm.

DCU has signed up to the National Spring Clean. Staff and students will once again come together to help tidy up the Tolka River. Please email sustainability@dcu.ie, subject NSP, to sign up for the event. The NSP will start outside the Met Office (bottom of Ballymun Rd) at 11 am, Friday 11th April.