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Strong report card for DCU in research, knowledge transfer and teaching and learning

A European Commission-backed system for ranking international universities has awarded Dublin City University top grades across all its areas of assessment - quality of teaching & learning, reputation for research, success in knowledge transfer, international orientation and contribution to regional growth.  U-Multirank takes a different approach to other university league tables by grading institutions across a wide range of activities from ‘A’ (very good) to ‘E’ (weak), allowing users to identify a university’s strengths and weaknesses.

DCU scored 14 ‘A’ grades and 9 ‘B’ grades across a possible 26 indicators, excelling in areas such as undergraduate graduation rates, attracting external research income, patents awarded, number of spin-out companies, international student and staff numbers, and collaboration with regional industry, educational and social partners.  The university’s top grades were achieved in the following areas:

Knowledge transfer

Patents awarded (absolute numbers) A
Patents awarded (Size normalised) A
Spin-outs A
Publications cited in patents A
Co-publications with industry partners B
External research income A
Interdisciplinary publications A
Post-doctoral research positions A
Research publications B
Research paper citation rate B
Top cited publications B
Teaching & Learning
Undergraduate graduation rate A
Masters graduation rate B
Undergraduates completing on time B
Masters students completing on time B
International Orientation
Student mobility A
International academic staff A
International joint publications A
International doctorate degrees A
Regional engagement
Regional joint publications A
Income from regional sources A
Bachelor graduates working in region B
Master’s graduates working in region B

Welcoming the publication of the new rankings, Professor Brian MacCraith, President of DCU said,

“We are very pleased to see that DCU’s considerable strengths in the areas of knowledge transfer and research have been highlighted in the latest U-Multirank profile. Our gains this year in these key areas reflect a realignment of our research and innovation priorities to respond to key societal challenges in health, digital technology, sustainable economies and democratic societies.  In an extremely competitive global funding environment, DCU is continuing to punch well above its weight in attracting national and international research grants.”

He continued,

“Our performance in teaching and learning has improved across all indicators and reflects the high quality of our teaching outputs, student intake and corresponding high graduation rates, particularly in STEM disciplines, often perceived as ‘difficult’ subject areas.  The comprehensive nature of the information supplied by U-Multirank will allow prospective students, industry and research partners to make better informed decisions about where they would like to study or collaborate.”

U-Multirank, the latest global university ranking, released its second edition online today. This unique tool for comparing university performance internationally presents information on more than 1,200 higher education institutions from 83 countries, with more than 1,800 faculties and 7,500 study programmes in seven fields of study. With 21,000 data scores on the institutional level and 37,000 on the field-base level, U-Multirank is the largest global university ranking - and the most comprehensive information system on universities - in the world.

For more information, visit www.umultirank.org