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DCU Sport secures Outstanding National Quality Standard

DCU Sport secures Outstanding National Quality Standard

DCU Sport is delighted to announce it has achieved the ‘National Quality Standard’ for leisure and fitness centre operations.

The National Quality Standard (formerly White Flag Award) was set up in 2000 to recognise the standards of excellence in Safety, Hygiene, Customer Engagement & Human Resources to be found in leisure facilities around the country. This is a unique award as it is specific to leisure facilities. Each facility must meet a large number of criteria and undergo a rigorous audit process.

The award is now an essential quality mark for any leisure centre or sports facility that aspires to high standards.

DCU Sport are the proud recipients of the top level award - 'Outstanding'!

The award is administered by Ireland Active, a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee to provide support and services to create the platforms to professionalize the leisure industry through standards and best practice, whilst simultaneously developing the synergies to engage more people to be more active more often – thus providing for a healthier nation. 

Further info: http://www.irelandactive.ie/