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Gabriela Martinez Sainz
Gabriela Martinez Sainz

Gabriela Martinez Sainz joins the Centre for Human Rights and Citizenship Education

Postdoctoral researcher Gabriela Martinez Sainz has recently joined the Centre for Human Rights and Citizenship Education at DCU Institute of Education on St. Patrick’s Campus.

Her research will explore global citizenship, youth activism, and climate change education, in particular the use of digital technologies in expanding these fields.

Dr. Martinez Sainz said “The centre has one of the best reputations in human rights education.  I’ve been working in this area for ten years or so and since the beginning, the research that’s being done here and the resources that have been developed here always comes up. That speaks of the worldwide reputation of the centre.

Now, I’m joining the centre which makes me incredibly proud.  I get to work with people I knew before only through their research so for me that’s fantastic.”

What is global citizenship?

Global citizenship means that all people have rights and civic responsibilities that come with being a member of the world, rather than as a citizen of any particular nation, and that one’s identity transcends geography or political borders.

About Dr. Martinez Sainz

Originally from Mexico, Dr Martinez Sainz is the co-founder of the Centre for Human Rights Studies CEDH Mx.  The centre develops digital and innovative solutions to eradicate all forms of violence and prevent human rights abuses.  Before coming to DCU she was a postdoctoral fellow at the Centro Brasileiro de Analise e Planejamento in São Paulo.

She holds a PhD in Education from the University of Cambridge.

About the Centre for Human Rights and Citizenship Education

The Centre for Human Rights and Citizenship Education (CHRCE) champions educational policy and practice which promotes human rights, children’s rights, global justice and environmental sustainability. Founded in 2004 as a collaboration between St Patrick’s College DCU and Amnesty Ireland,  and led by Fionnuala Waldron as Chair and Brian Ruane as Programme Leader, the CHRCE quickly established itself as a leader in the related fields of human rights education and global citizenship education.